Marty Dunningham, FPG Refrigeration Design Engineer CONDENSATION It can lead to fogging on the glass of a refrigerated display cabinet. In the worst cases, it can lead to pooling of water. Why does it occur, and what can be done to prevent it? Recently eNews caught up...
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FPG Customer Services and the COVID-19 Lockdown
During the COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand, FPG and its customers provided essential support. Ange Karauria, Team Leader for FPG Customer Services & Maintenance, reflects on this challenging time.
Reflections from Paul Trower, FPG’s Longest Serving Employee
Photo showing: FPG Senior Project Account Manager - Paul Trower As a long-standing employee, Paul Trower, NZ Senior Project Account Manager, recently celebrated a significant work anniversary. He shared some insights into his career with FPG to date. How long have you...
Alfaexpress Benton Junction – Indonesia
FPG has partnered with Alfamart to enhance their c-store strategy, from branding to store layout, culminating in the launch of twelve new trial Alfaexpress stores.
It’s business as usual at FPG
One of the risk management strategies FPG has consistently deployed is establishing dual, sometimes triple, supply arrangements of key components. That strategy is currently paying off. While the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak in China has significantly disrupted...
Export NZ Hawke’s Bay 2018 – FPG Unsung Hero
Photo: FPG Management Team (left to right) Susan White, Paul Campbell, Robert Darroch and Jared Vaughan with Kellie Miller (centre) Kellie Miller, Sales Co-Ordinator, Future Products Group is our Unsung Hero winner! Kellie has been employed at FPG for 16 years. She...