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Export NZ Hawke’s Bay 2018 – FPG Unsung Hero

Published: July 30, 2018

Image showing Photo: FPG Management Team (left to right) Susan White, Paul Campbell, Robert Darroch and Jared Vaughan with Kellie Miller (centre) at the Export NZ Hawke's Bay Awards 2018

Photo: FPG Management Team (left to right) Susan White, Paul Campbell, Robert Darroch and Jared Vaughan with Kellie Miller (centre)

Kellie Miller, Sales Co-Ordinator, Future Products Group is our Unsung Hero winner!

Kellie has been employed at FPG for 16 years. She has held various roles to support both customers and partners. In her current role she provides sales support and administration for FPG’s export markets. In 2018 she was recognised at the Export NZ Hawke’s Bay Awards as one of the region’s Unsung Heroes.

In performing her role, Kellie takes pride in both FPG as a successful business as well as in the quality of her work.  She is very thorough and has taken it upon herself to really understand the food display solutions that FPG markets to the world. She looks after FPG customers including 7-Eleven Australia.

With circa 670 stores across Australia, 7-Eleven is one of FPG’s larger customers. Not only does Kellie process and track orders, she co-ordinates the installation of cabinets and publishes a weekly status report provided to all key stakeholders. So effective is this document that it is now the benchmark for reporting documents required by 7-Eleven Australia from their suppliers. Noel McGrann, National Purchasing Officer for 7-Eleven Stores Australia says she is affectionately known as “Special K” to her contacts in 7-Eleven throughout Australia.

It was therefore no surprise that the FPG management team nominated Kellie for the Export NZ Hawke’s Bay 2018 – Unsung Hero award.

Kellie, congratulations! You are our Unsung Hero.

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