Why fpg

Partnering for Success

We are partners, not just suppliers, to our customers.

Our Focus

Business outcomes for food retail and food service.

Our Guarantees

Our commitments to our customers.

The FPG Way

It’s how we do it that makes us unique.


Improving our environmental footprint.

“Why did I
choose FPG?
Because I
trusted them
to deliver.”

Ravi Lal – Master Franchisor
Valentines Restaurants
New Zealand

FPG Custom Project Valentines Christchurch New Zealand

“Why did I choose FPG?
Because I trusted them to deliver.”

Ravi Lal – Master Franchisor
Valentines Restaurants
New Zealand

We are Trusted. For Life.

Relationships matter, and doing what we say we will do provides the basis for our trusted relationships.

We offer and deliver premium food display solutions which provide high lifetime value.

Our goal is to be considered partners, not just suppliers, to our customers. It’s why so many of our customers keep coming back to us.

FPG focuses on customers who sell food and drinks.

We help our customers achieve great business outcomes:
Increased sales and yields, increased customer loyalty, compliance, and operational efficiencies.

We guide customers on making decisions that are right for their business.

FPG guarantees.

Our commitments to our customers.

Air NZ Auckland Regional Koru Lounge



Guaranteed core product
temperatures for the lifetime
of the cabinet.

Visair Refrigerated cabinets at BP Bruce Road NZ



Guaranteed best-in-class design that delivers unique customer experiences.



Engineered to
decrease total cost
of life – guaranteed.

PaknSave Papamoa checkouts and display cabinets




Ensuring stress-free
experiences for our

Langham Eight Restaurant Custom Project
FPG test lab



Designed to meet
international compliance

New World checkouts and joinery



We stand by everything
we sell for its lifetime.

FPG is different.

It’s not just what we do, but how we do it that makes us unique.

We Connect

You are assigned a customer manager. One experienced person to liaise with you and simplify the process.

We Listen

We adopt a consultative style of engagement, seeking information from you that guides our concepts and solutions.

Our Experience

We add value to your solution by drawing on our experience. If we think that there’s a better way, we’ll share that with you.

Our Team

We are a one-stop production shop. Sales, design, engineering, testing, manufacturing and logistics are all located on one site. Internal communications are direct.

Lifetime Value

We focus on maximising the lifetime value of food display solutions. Price is one thing, lifetime value quite another.

We stand by our food display solutions for their lifetime.

We will be there when you need us.

We promise to have spare parts available for as long as your cabinet is in service.
And, at the end of their life, we estimate that …

 85% of our cabinets (by volume) can be recycled.
Sustainable Food Display Cabinets

Long before ‘sustainability’ was in our everyday vernacular, FPG was engineering food display cabinets to deliver core product temperature while optimising energy efficiency.  Our cabinets help our customers to use less power and to reduce their food waste by extending shelf life.

We build our food display cabinets to last. Using high quality components to ensure consistent reliable operation, our customers experience less business interruption. From long-life LEDs to low-E coated double-glazed glass, components are consciously selected to contribute to the cabinet’s longevity and operational performance.

Sustainability at FPG

FPG reviews its business practices to look for ways to improve its environmental footprint. Examples of specific initiatives at FPG include:

  • Significant reduction in landfill waste by transitioning to organic cardboard packaging Read More
  • Directing organic waste to a local biomass boiler
  • Recycling glass waste

We contribute indirectly via programmes undertaken by our supply chain partners. One example is an initiative implemented by APT, a leading New Zealand distributor of some of the best decorative and performance surface brands for the building industry.  The initiative is being implemented in partnership with the Native Forest Restoration Trust (New Zealand).

“From 1 November 2021, a native tree will be planted – and protected – in New Zealand for every Corian® sheet, sink and basin, and every FENIX® sheet, panel and sink sold by APT. In addition to this, a native tree will be planted for every product delivery.”

The FPG customer fit outs using these products has contributed to 60 trees being planted from Nov 2021 – May 2024.

New Zealand is the home of FPG

Our home country of residence is New Zealand, a country rated highly for its integrity.

FPG provides excellent working conditions and only employs adults, meeting New Zealand health and safety regulations, and wage and leave entitlements. We adhere to environmental regulations.

FPG has an international network with close partners located in China and India. Not only do we export our know-how and component requirements to our partners, we also export our values.

You can have peace of mind knowing that irrespective of the place of manufacture, FPG cabinets and custom solutions are designed and built by skilled teams located in reputable businesses.