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Take a Tour of the new FPG website!

Take a Tour of the new FPG website!

Launched during December 2024, we are delighted to promote our new website to you. It was 100% developed in-house. Very little AI was used in its construction. We put a significant emphasis on real high-quality imagery and information that befits a premium brand. We...

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New FPG Partner for China

New FPG Partner for China

During September 2024, FPG was delighted to host Stephen Feng CEO of Haidley. Haidley a business located in Qingdao in the Shandong province of China that focuses on food retail and food service solutions. During the visit, Haidley was appointed the licensed business...

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Robert visits Antarctica Equipment

Robert visits Antarctica Equipment

Robert Darroch (FPG Managing Director and CEO) with Gaurav Mittal (Antarctica Equipment CEO), Mr. Vinod Mittal (Antarctica Equipment Founder) and team. Last month, Robert visited India to meet with FPG business partner Gaurav Mittal of Antarctica Equipment. Robert...

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Why FPG?

Why FPG?

New FPG Company Profile. FPG is your trusted partner for premium food and drink display solutions. We exist to help you deliver a great food experience to your customers. What makes us premium is not just what we make, but how we design, engineer, manufacture, and...

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Variable Speed Drive Technology

Variable Speed Drive Technology

Marty Dunningham (FPG Refrigeration Design Engineer) testing the Visair Upright Refrigerated Recently eNews caught up with FPG refrigeration design engineer Marty Dunningham, to talk about Variable Speed Drives. FPG eNews: FPG is re-engineering refrigerated cabinets...

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Foodstuffs Expo 2023

Foodstuffs Expo 2023

FPG Senior Project Account Manager, Paul Trower at the Foodstuffs Expo 2023. The Foodstuffs Expo 2023 (New Zealand) was busy. The FPG team, Paul Campbell (PC) and Paul Trower (PT), say they have noticed that there is a buzz in the air - everyone is positive. PC...

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Energy Efficiency and Night Blinds

Energy Efficiency and Night Blinds

Open front refrigerated cabinets are very popular. They provide shoppers with easy access and great product visibility, helping retailers to sell more. Because they are open front, powerful refrigeration systems are required to ensure core product temperature <...

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Top Tips for Visual Merchandising

Top Tips for Visual Merchandising

Susan White, FPG Global Marketing Director As FPG global marketing director, I work closely with our design team and we share an interest in visual merchandising - how to best present fresh food and drinks in our cabinets. As my sales colleagues tell me, it’s a BIG...

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Q&A with Monza Hafza, FPG State Sales Manager-Australia

Q&A with Monza Hafza, FPG State Sales Manager-Australia

FPG Visair Refrigerated open front cabinets in custom joinery, BP, Jasbe, Manly, Sydney, Australia In this interview with Monza Hafza, FPG Sales Manager for Australia, Monza shares his insights on the industry and highlights while working at FPG. Monza, please tell us...

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