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FPG Showroom WOW!

Published: August 1, 2020

Photo showing: FPG Isoform Grab&Go refrigerated over refrigerated 2400

We recently refreshed our showroom with some of our latest models and set our photographer loose. We hope you enjoy viewing the photos of our new cabinets, with examples of branding and shelf finishes.

Thanks to Business Hawke’s Bay and the following companies for helping us with their packaging and products to enable us to stock our cabinets:
The Apple PressBostock Brothers Organic Free Range ChickenKraft Heinz for The Good Taste CoLittle Island Coconut CreameryRockit Apples

Like what you see? Please contact us for more information.

Isoform Counter Open Front Heated 600mm with orange pinstripe and matching orange trays
Visair Refrigerated 700
Visair Refrigerated 700
Isoform Counter Open Front Refrigerated 1200
Isoform Counter Open Front Refrigerated 1200

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