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Click & Collect for Hot Food

Published: February 1, 2021

Photo credit: Pure Food UK – Facebook July 2017

For busy food retailers who offer hot food, it’s very important to find display equipment that ticks all the boxes for a Click & Collect business model. Purpose-designed for kitchen-serving operations where there is a need to temporarily hold hot food, the Visair Heated Pass-Through from FPG is a great option for many Click & Collect hot food operators. Here’s why ….

  1. Compliant Temperatures
    Food is maintained at >65° (22°C/65% RH) in line with food safety guidelines. The FPG IWave heating system engineered by FPG for its heated open front cabinets – like the Visair Heated Pass-Through – is unique to FPG. FPG IWave was engineered using infrared quartz elements to deliver a constant, even heat. In addition to delivering consistent, controlled temperatures, IWave also provides safety advantages. While food product is held at >65°C, display surfaces are maintained at < +65°C and the air temperature inside the cabinet is lower than in many fan-assisted heated cabinets.
  2. Designed for Maximum Efficiency
    The Visair Heated Pass-Through provides direct and fast heat; the IWave infrared quartz elements are at operating temperature in seconds – air temperature is not a factor. And, with both open front and open rear, it’s a seamless quick operation to stock food. Fitted with angled shelves, product stop rails at the front, and optional upright dividers to create channels, food can be presented neatly in rows according to your planogram. Kitchen operations can put food straight into the cabinet – no doors, no additional handling, quick and easy.
  3. No Fan: No Noise and Extended Shelf Life
    A benefit of the FPG IWave heating technology is that it does not use fans. Its silent operation is great for customers and perfect for staff. With no dehydrating fans, product lasts longer and does not burn or dry out.
  4. Sustainability: Compare power usage
    A significant benefit of FPG IWave is its low power usage. The Visair Heated Pass-Through provides a display area of 1.2m2 while only using 1.3 kWh per hour (average). That’s because 95% of the radiated energy is absorbed by the food product as heat – very little energy is wasted. The cabinets are also fitted with FPG-engineered, energy-efficient LED lighting – super bright lighting system made specifically for FPG heated cabinets. The result? Compare power usage for the Visair Heated Pass-Through with other heated cabinets, and we are sure you will be impressed.
  5. Low Total Cost of Life
    With no moving parts, there is a significantly less likelihood of the need for technical servicing. Combine that with the cabinet’s low running costs and the total cost of life is very competitive.

About FPG IWave

Infrared is part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths grouped into three categories: near, medium and far. FPG designed its IWave solution using the medium wavelength to achieve the best results for its heated open front food display cabinets. This wavelength offers the advantage of delivering more consistent temperatures.

Infrared light penetrates food at a molecular level. In designing IWave, FPG optimised the infrared power level and penetration depth for the display of heated food.

The result? Consistent, controlled temperatures. The temperature is constant, avoiding high peaks and troughs.

Because IWave targets organic matter, it works best when products are wrapped in packaging made from oven-approved, recyclable or compostable plastic. For optimum results, products need to have good line of sight to the infrared elements with good contact between the base of the product and shelf. Pottles need to have a flat base. Testing is recommended for other materials and packaging design.

In the base of the FPG heated open front cabinets, IWave is complemented with a heating coil to provide heat via conduction.

Contact FPG

Contact your FPG sales representative or email us at sales@fpgworld.com to find out how Visair Heated Pass-Through will help you to deliver your Click & Collect business operation.

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