Celebrating the launch of the re-modelled Alfamart store in Alfa Tower, Jakarta: (left to right) Roland Santoso – New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (Indonesia); Dr Jonathan Austin – New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia; Adrianus Mulyawan – GM Alfaexpress; and Setiawan Nurtjahja, GM FPG Indonesia.
In Indonesia, FPG offers food retailers a full store design and fit-out solution together with key equipment supply and servicing. FPG has been working with Alfamart for nearly two years to reinvigorate their stores. With a growing middle class, Alfamart is making smart investments now in anticipation of future growth and expansion.
The Alfamart flagship store located at Alfa Tower was the second store to be made-over. Setiawan Nurtjahja, GM FPG Indonesia joined Adrianus Mulyawan, GM Alfaexpress in hosting Dr Jonathan Austin, New Zealand Ambassador to Indonesia and Roland Santoso from New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (Indonesia) at the store opening. Roland and Jonathan were very impressed. ”I was really amazed with the overall new design, layout and showcase of the store,” said Roland. “The store really creates great vibes, comfort and consistency”.
The new Alfamart store experience represents a step change in the market. Adrianus Mulyawan, the champion for the initiative at Alfamart, was delighted with the reaction. “We have received accolades not only from the customers visiting the store, but also from other retailers. The feedback has been very positive.”
Setiawan Nurtjahja, GM FPG Indonesia is now looking forward to working on the makeover of the next Alfamart store.

The group admires the display of heated products in the Alfamart ‘bean!’ branded FPG Inline cabinet.

NZ Ambassador to Indonesia, Jonathan Austin was very impressed with the multiplexed FPG Visair Slimline – an open front upright refrigerated cabinet – which makes quite a statement being installed along the wall for easy access to a very wide range of refrigerated products.