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Open Front Display Cabinets – Current Winners in the Cabinet Popularity Stakes

Published: February 1, 2021

Paul Campbell, FPG Sales Director Australia and New Zealand

FPG e-News spoke to Paul Campbell, FPG Sales Director Australia and New Zealand, about the increasing popularity of open front display cabinets.

Paul, what’s behind the popularity of open front display cabinets?

Open front display cabinets have found favour with many retailers because there are no barriers between their customer and product. Higher sales are the result. However, there are also other reasons contributing to their popularity. With increasingly time-poor retail customers, retailers have extended their convenience product offerings. There are many more food options for immediate enjoyment or to be consumed later. Combine this trend with the increase in demand for fresh, healthy food – many of these products have a short shelf life so it’s important that these products sell quickly. An open front refrigerated display ticks all the retailer’s boxes.

What has been the impact of covid-19?

Covid-19 has made a big impact. The pandemic is reaching into all our lives and people are much more risk averse in their shopping behaviour – if I can avoid using tongs and door handles that have been touched by many before me, I will. Pre-packaged goods are ready to go and require minimal or no interaction with staff. From an operations perspective, cleaning an open front cabinet is relatively straightforward – important when you are trying to prevent the spread of a virus. These are consequences of covid-19 and completely understandable given the ease of transmission of this virus.

Are there any downsides to open front cabinets?

There is a trade-off with energy consumption. An open front refrigerated cabinet will use more power than an equivalent enclosed cabinet to run its refrigeration system. With an open front, the system has to preserve the integrity of its refrigerated air curtain in order to achieve core product temperature at an average of +2° to +4°C. Not all open front cabinets are equal. It’s important for retailers in choosing open front display cabinets to check that the options they are considering are temperature compliant for the desired climate class – typically 3M1 – and optimised for energy efficiency with spare parts availability.

What does 3M1 refer to?

At FPG, refrigerated cabinets are tested in our environmental test chamber to meet energy efficiency standards. Power usage of cabinets is influenced by its environment and also core product temperature. 3M1 is refrigeration industry shorthand referring to the performance of the cabinet during a 24-hour test period:

  • ‘3’ refers to the environmental conditions of the cabinet during the test – Climate Class 3 which is 25°C/60%RH
  • M1 refers to the core product temperature range measured during the test. To achieve M1, the temperature of the test packs must be between -1°C to +5°C.

At FPG, we aim for more consistent temperatures within that range – an average of +2° to +4°C.

Paul, do you have any other insights to share on choosing display cabinets?

The choice of display cabinet is influenced by a number of inter-related factors:

    For example, if your business model and positioning rely on exceptional service, or on taking a position on sustainability through implementing practices such as reduced packaging and improved energy efficiency, then an enclosed fixed front cabinet may well be a better fit. Of course, the pandemic is making a big impact on business. The business response to pandemics still needs to be managed around your business model and positioning – for example, ensuring both customers and staff are protected through use of face masks and freely available hand sanitiser together with contact tracing measures, and possibly taking online orders and providing a no-contact home delivery service.
    Another factor is staffing levels which is closely related to your business model. If you are deploying a low staff model that is geared to customer self-service, then an open front model is suited to that. However, if you are differentiated on service and it is important that the display is well maintained and presented, then it may well be that you will prefer only staff to interact with food on display and an enclosed cabinet will be the better option.
    For a variety of reasons some products are better presented behind glass. For example, unpackaged products or any premium product that is being showcased such as fresh sashimi or beautiful high-value decorated cakes.
    Location can have a significant impact on cabinet choice. If there are a lot of external influences or disruptions such as air conditioning ducts then a closed front display cabinet is a better option to maintaining temperature. Likewise, if you have an open front cabinet positioned in front of a door which is constantly opening to hot humid air that cabinet is going to have to work harder to deliver core product temperature. If meeting core product temperature is imperative for your product mix, then an enclosed cabinet will more likely help you to deliver on that requirement in this type of location.

Thanks, Paul, for sharing your insights. Any last remarks?

An investment in your display cabinet is a strategic investment in your business. The more customers share with us, the more we can advise on the best solution for them.

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