‘How To’ Videos
Inline Barista – R134A / R513A
Retailer Operations
The following tasks can be carried out by the retailer. Make sure you exercise care and follow the instructions closely.
Condenser Cleaning
Pre Filter Cleaning
Service Technicians and Engineers
For your safety and warranty protection, the following tasks should only be performed by trained technicians or engineers. Failure to do so could have serious repercussions.
Condensing Unit Replacement
Controller Adjustments
Controller Replacement
Defrost and Coil Clean Instruction
Drawer Seal Replacement
Evaporation Fan Replacement
PSU Replacement
Switch Replacement
Thermal Probe Replacement
‘How To’ videos for Inline Barista:
Please check that the part number shown on the cabinet serial label is included in the list below. Reference to Axxx means all variations are included, from -A001 to -A999.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us
700 WIDE
These videos reflect the latest cabinet specification. If you have an older cabinet, please contact FPG for guidance, citing the cabinet’s serial number.