Alfamart Kemang Store
Alfamart Kemang Store, Jakarta, Indonesia

August 2022

With a population of ~270 million people, Indonesia was hit hard by Covid-19 and disruption to people’s lives and business was significant. It is a delight therefore to share photos from the first site to be shopfitted following the easing of pandemic-related lock-downs.

Opened in July 2022, this new Alfamart store is located in Kemang, a very busy, up-market neighbourhood in South Jakarta.

In addition to food display cabinets from FPG, you’ll also spot a great photo featuring the Moffat Turbofan oven.

Alfamart Kemang Store
Alfamart Kemang Store - FPG Inline Display Cabinets

Alfamart Kemang Store with Moffat Oven
Alfamart Kemang Store - Moffat Oven

Alfamart Kemang Store FPG Food Display Cabinets
Alfamart Kemang Store - Heated Food Display

Alfamart Kemang Store
Alfamart Kemang Store - Ambient and Controlled Ambient Cabinets and Shelving

Alfamart Kemang Store
Alfamart Kemang Store - Visair Slimline Refrigerated Cabinets